Optimization of the vehicle deregistration process

The Kroschke Group is one of the largest German service providers in the field of vehicle registration. The services offered include not only the registration of vehicles on behalf of third parties but also the deregistration of large volumes of vehicles, for example, for leasing companies or companies with large vehicle fleets. Implementing this complex process efficiently in a very dynamic environment presented the group of companies with major challenges. It requires the coordination of several service centers and various process steps, the monitoring of which was very time-consuming. This complexity led to longer throughput and waiting times.

Our Path to Process Improvement

In order to optimize the vehicle deregistration process, Kroschke decided to visualize all process steps in detail using Process Mining. The resulting clarity was used to hold transparent discussions with everyone involved in the process. As a result, Kroschke successively optimized the individual sub-steps of vehicle decommissioning in order to make the overall process more efficient.

Success Achieved

Thanks to these optimizations, the fulfillment rate of our service level rose from 82% to an impressive 97%. The throughput times for vehicle deregistrations improved significantly and the completion rate of processes within the planned timeframe was almost 100%. The use of Process Mining offers clear benefits for improving process efficiency.

A key tool for this is the use of the process.science Process Analyzer, which provides Kroschke with immediate transparency of process flows and deviations. An important finding of this is that the causes of delays lie both in suboptimal internal processes and with customers. With this insight, Kroschke optimized the fulfillment of its SLA in a targeted manner as a first step and immediately implemented a rapid improvement.

Optimized Process Flow

  1. Receipt of the deregistration order at Kroschke
  2. Recording of the deregistration-relevant documents
  3. Carrying out the deregistration
  4. Dispatch to the registration office
  5. Feedback from the registration office
  6. Reception of the documents after successful deregistration

These measures have optimized the throughput times of the vehicle deregistration processes by 14%. In addition to this success, the collaboration has uncovered further potential for process improvement, which Kroschke will exploit in the coming months with the process.science solution.

So What's Next?

Kroschke will use the process.science Root Cause Analyzer to gain even deeper insights into the causes of existing process delays.


The clear visualization and transparent communication of the process steps have enabled Kroschke to significantly improve the deregistration process as early as the implementation phase and to identify further potential for optimization. The increased fulfillment rate of the service level and the significant reduction in throughput times prove the success of the measures with process.science. These successes are helping to further perfect customer service.

You can find more about Kroschke here.

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