Version 11.2020 available for Power BI
Extended functions and new target process analyzer for ps4PBI!
New features for our November 2020 release for Power BI:
SSIS package
Now included in every version for significantly faster performance and scheduled data preparation.
Lead times calculation
In addition to lead times from one event to the subsequent event, the lead times of individual activities itself can be calculated by applying the start- and end-time stamps of the respective activity.
Improved target process view
Highlights target process events and transitions to identify process deviations immediately.
- in target and in as-is-process: Highlighted by color (here: green)
- in target but missing in actual: Greyed out event / dotted transition
- not in target but in actual: Lowlighted by color
Start and end node indication
Start and end points mark the first and last activities within a variant.
Free choice of layout
All colors of activities and transitions are freely selectable, depending on personal preference / corporate design / area of application. This also applies to all other ps4PBI visuals.